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Upcoming Clarity of Night flash fiction contest

Anyone out there enjoy writing flash fiction? Ever wanted to experiment with short-short stories? Here’s a great opportunity!

The Clarity of Night blog, run by Jason Evans, is hosting the 14th flash fiction contest. Each contest has writers submitting flash fiction pieces inspired by specific photos. Here’s the one for the next contest, titled “Elemental.”

The rules are pretty simple. Your flash fiction story cannot exceed 250 words. Beyond that, content and genre are pretty much up for grabs. There are some great prizes too, including a $50 Amazon gift certificate and print of the photo.

For the upcoming contest, Evans has a couple key posts about how he rates entries, and suggestions on what you can do to improve your chances of winning. Definitely check these out to get an edge over other contestants.

Because of the increased popularity of the contest and the number of past submissions, Evans is also putting a limit on entries–somewhere in the low-to-mid one hundreds. The contest officially starts in a few weeks, so start developing your flash fiction now, so it can be polished and ready to submit as soon as possible to ensure your piece is eligible.

Here also is the link to the last contest, where my entry, The Care and Feeding of Angels, had the good fortune to place 1st in both the general judging and Reader’s Choice Award.

See you there! Good luck, everyone!


  1. Wendy
    Wendy July 13, 2011

    Hi Josh,

    The Care and Feeding of Angels entry is how I found you. 🙂

    It's such a captivating piece. Congrats and good job!

  2. Josh
    Josh July 13, 2011

    Thanks so much, Wendy! Glad to meet you and looking forward to seeing your work in the next contest (which has now begun!).

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