What a year it’s already shaping up to be. Been a bit, so I figured it was worth catching up! On top of moving, getting married, finally finishing the draft of The Cleaners #4, and more, I’ve also finally taken the next step of my publishing plan by opening my…
1 CommentCategory: events
My OryCon 2017 Schedule!
This weekend, I’ll be down in Portland for OryCon! I had a marvelous time there last year, working a booth with the awesome Jennifer Brozek (who will be my book-busking partner yet again). I will have all my Cleaners novels and Forge of Ashes, and will also have a handful…
Leave a CommentThe Real Costs of a Convention
This isn’t as much of an “advice” post about conventions. It’s more me looking back at all the ones I’ve attended and considering what they’ve cost me on multiple levels. Cons are expensive. If you’ve ever been to one, either as a vendor, a panelist, or attendee, you know this.…
Leave a CommentPost-Convention Self-Care
The big con has come and gone. You’ve seen the shows. Attended the panels. Bought the swag. Got some part of your body signed by a celebrity. Now it’s all over until next year–or maybe just next weekend, if you’re me. What now? How do you come down from this…
3 CommentsConventions and Common Sense
I’m talking about cons a bit because this month is a con-heavy one for me. Three big ones, almost one right after the other–ConnectiCon, Raleigh Supercon, and Florida Supercon. I’ve been to ConnectiCon before, but the other two will be new shows for me, which I’m highly anticipating. I love…
Leave a CommentSaving Your Sanity at Conventions
Have you been to a convention before? By that, I’m referring to everything from your various comic cons to the more local literary and art conventions–and you might even include writing conferences in there, if you want. However you want to define these events, there’s one thing that holds true…
Leave a CommentGuest Post! – The Secret to Teleportation
For years, I’ve been trying to teach myself to teleport. I’ve tried reading books, watching YouTube videos, doing exhaustive amounts of online research, and sitting in my house REALLY wishing I was on a beach in Hawaii instead of getting ready for work. None of these methods proved to be…
Leave a CommentIndiana Comic Con, here I come!
In just a few days, I’ll be heading out to Indianapolis to participate in Indiana Comic Con! This will be my first time at this particular con, and I’m looking forward to it immensely. I’ll be there with the Bard’s Tower team (aka the “tower of power) and a lineup…
Leave a CommentI’ve been sitting on this for as long as I can, but it’s finally time to pull back the curtain! Book 3 of The Cleaners is arriving this April, with a planned pre-launch during Emerald City Comic Con (so, if you’re in the Seattle area, I hope you’re planning to…
Leave a CommentCome on down to OryCon!
I’m off to OryCon today! Heading down to Portland for my last con of the year. I’ll have copies of Enter the Janitor, The Maids of Wrath, and Forge of Ashes for sale in the dealer’s room, alongside hopping around to different panels throughout the weekend. Should be a…
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