Giving writers advice and insights on how to stay physically active, take care of their bodies in a generally sedentary career, eat well, and adopt an overall healthier approach to life that can enhance the writing process as well!
Disclaimer: While I am a certified personal trainer (a personal passion and area of study), I’m not a doctor or dietitian. I am primarily a writer who enjoys being physically and mentally active and wants to help other writers realistically pursue overall fitness. While it contains advice, tips, and strategies, this series isn’t a prescription or a personalized diet/workout plan. If you have questions about how certain exercises or eating protocols might impact your health, consult your doctor.
Current & Upcoming Posts:
1. Welcome to Write Strong: A Guide to Fitness & Health for Writers
2. Write Strong: A Personal Journey
3. It’s Just Worth It – Benefits of Being a Physically Active Writer
4. What’s Holding You Back? – Fitness Obstacles for Writers
5. Plotting Your Fitness Story – What’s in a Plan?
6. Ass-in-Chair Alternatives – Get Up & Get Moving!
7. Write Strong Guest Post: A Good Day to Die
8. Make it Work – Office-Style Workout Options
9. Write Strong Guest Post: “November 2008 my own body tried to kill me.”
10. Get Cozy – The Ergonomic Essentials
11. Steady On Now… – The Necessity of Consistency
12. Daily Habits – Shake Up the Routine
13. Write Strong Guest Post: Running Your Writing Through
14. Food for Thought – Approaches to Eating & Nutrition
15. Write Strong Guest Post: Food and Movement for Your Mind
16. In & Out – Casual Approaches to Calories
17. I Will Do Science to It – Macronutrients and You
18. Macro Variables – How Much of What and Why?
19. Write Strong Guest Post: Hikes on the Edge of Nowhere
20. The Calorie Cutting Dilemma
21. Write Strong Guest Post: “I Never Would’ve Guessed…”
22. Accountability – Who’s Keeping Track?
23. Do No Harm – Working Through Injury Setbacks
24. To Thyself be True – i.e. YMMV
25. Write Strong Guest Post: “You Can’t Keep Me Inside”
26. 5 Top Fitness Apps – Your Digital Helpers
27. Write Strong Guest Post: The Walking-Writing Feedback Loop
28. My Fitness and Eating Protocols
29. Rest & Rewards – Give Yourself a Break!
30. Online Fitness & Health Resources
31. Write Strong Guest Post: Playing Your Way to Fitness – Wii Do It!
32. Cons, Conferences, and Tours: Staying Active On-the-Go
33. Dance Like Nobody but the NSA is Watching – Workout Music!
34. An Extra Edge? – The Real Deal with Supplements
35. Write Strong Guest Post: You Are What You Eat
36. One Size Doesn’t Fit You Forever – Adjusting Your Fitness Parameters & Goals
37. Muscle Through It – An Argument for Strength Training
38. Pick Your Poison – Alcohol, Fitness, and the Writer
39. Write Strong Guest Post: Fantastically Fit
40. These Boots were Made for Talking – Writing via Dictation
41. Bestsellers and Bodybuilders – The Pitfalls of Comparison
42. Mind Over Matter – Your Mental Health
43. Them’s the Splits – Flexibility & Stretching Yourself
44. Catch a Few Winks, Lose a Few Pounds – The Importance of Sleep
45. Write Strong Guest Post: Navigating Cons in a Healthy Way
46. Here We Go Again – Recognizing Health & Fitness Cycles
47. Fantastical Failure – Learning and Growing Despite and Because of It
48. Write Strong: The Never-Ending Story…
…the series has officially ended (for now), but feel free to contact me if you ever want to contribute a guest post!