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A Merry Kindle 3 Christmas to me

Thanks to several generous gift-givers this Christmas, I finally got enough saved up to nab a Kindle 3. I’ve been antsy to get an e-reader for a bit now, partly because I’m a geek (okay, maybe that’s more than just part of the reason), partly for reading-on-the-go, and partly because I wouldn’t feel quite as in-the-loop as an aspiring author. Ebooks and e-readers continue to broaden their percentage of the market, continue to expand their usefulness as platforms writers can use to market themselves and distribute their work, and are an aspect of the evolving nature of publishing as a whole. So…I want to be involved in that, even if it’s on the consumer end for now.

I’m pretty sure I’ll remain one of the generation that enjoys the tactile element of reading a book…of having that hefty epic fantasy that I could swat down a charging rhino with, should I be inclined. I enjoy having bookshelves sagging under the weight of a growing collection (which, my wife believes, will be the death of me, as I will someday be found crushed under a collapsed mountain of novels). So this hardly heralds my giving up of the paper and ink interface. However, beyond enjoying a more lightweight reading experience, perhaps I’ll also get a bit more insight into what all the hubbub is about.

Until then, I’ll be camping on the doorstep, waiting for a box to arrive with one o’ these.
Anyone out there already got the jump on me? I’m sure many of you have. Nook? Kindle? One of the many other readers suddenly appearing on the shelves of Best Buy like colorful gremlings? What’s your experience been like?


  1. jjdebenedictis
    jjdebenedictis January 3, 2011

    I don't have the jump on you, but my brother and I bought the Kindle 3 for my dad this Christmas. I haven't heard how he likes it, but I certainly thought it was a pretty slick device as I was setting it up for him.

  2. Josh
    Josh January 3, 2011

    Excellent. I asked one of my techie friends about it vs. the Nook and other readers, and they basically said, “There's a reason it's dominated the market so far.” I know there'll be a color version sometime in the future…but I figure why wait longer to pay more for a questionably necessary feature?

  3. Gradfather says...
    Gradfather says... February 2, 2011

    Hi Josh,
    So, have you received your new Kindle 3 yet? Just wondering what you thought about it and whether or not it lived up to your expectation?

    The reason I ask is that I too have been recently bitten by the desire to own a E-reader, and from the research I have done, I think that the Kindle 3 makes the most sense for me… But I have been curious to hear from someone like me who has not owned one before.

    So, what do you think? Was it the right choice for you?

    Grandfather says…


  4. Josh
    Josh February 2, 2011

    Hey Gradfather:

    Yes, I have it now and have been slowly building up my library. It's working great for me! Easy to transport, great battery life, and the wireless is fun. Buying a book online and then having it automatically delivered is a wonderful feature. The e-ink screen is easy on the eyes and the interface works just fine.

    So, yes, I'd definitely recommend the Kindle 3 to anyone interested in it. Looking forward to using it on trips as well as getting review copies sent to it, versus through the mail.

    Thanks for asking!

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