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Sundays come neither before nor after

Are Sundays supposed to be the beginning of the new week? Or are they the end of the last one? Are they a day to reflect on the days gone past, or a day to prepare for the days to come? A Sunday like today seems a like having one foot in the future and one in the past. It is the seventh day…so you can’t divide it. Six days before, an even number, six days after. Sundays are odd days, in more ways than one. We often think of Sundays as lazy days, sleeping in, sports, or church. Sunday is a border, a boundary, a transition time. These things have always been given a sort of power, especially in stories of fantasy and other worlds. We think of the border between the open land and the forest. The twilight between night and day, dark and light. The place where the ocean touches the sand, or the threshold of a home.

What does Sunday mean to you? How could you work it into a story? What symbolism or traditions do you link to this day of the week?

And if you are still looking for more story inspirations, check out this website:

Constant updates on modern science, technology trends and more. There’s even a report on how there might not be any more seafood by the year 2050 due to over-fishing and pollution leading to the collapse of marine ecosystems!
Wow…I’m not sure if that world would be worth living in. No more lobster? No more shrimp? Gah. Save the fishies today so we may eat them tomorrow, that’s what I say. Just my opinion.

I see the smile.

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