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The Snark, and other writing blogs of note

As I embarked on this adventure of blogging about the wonderful world of writing, I decided I should check out other folks who have been traveling this dusty trail for far longer than I. It is especially welcome to find those blogs that go beyond the daily picture of someone’s favorite parakeet, or who simply repost all the videos inundating YouTube or otherwise. Blogs that give solid advice…especially advice relating to my writing passion. In reading and browsing and reading some more, I’ve built a small list of blogs that I check regularly and find to be rather helpful and worth coming back to. This following list doesn’t include other writers’ blogs, though those can be fun and interesting as well since it gives an “insider’s” view of the industry and writing process.

Blogs I read:

First up is Miss Snark, the anonymous literary agent who stalks cyberspace with gin and stilettos (the shoes, not the assassin’s blade, though I think she could use them for the same purpose). She dolls out a dry (okay, sandblasted) wit along with vital inside advice for getting your work polished to industry standards, as well as avoiding fatal flaws that will have your query and manuscript trashed before it’s out of the envelope.

Another blog is a general news listing: Speculative Fiction, which keeps one up-to-date on articles, news, and events of note within the speculative fiction world.

And a third for now: Evil Editor
Yes. There is now proof that editors are evil. But this editor has turned his evil powers into showing writers better ways to cut back on flowery prose, write good summaries, and keep yourself on the good side of the almighty editors.

So, there are a few for your perusing pleasure. Miss Snark is especially fun for a good laugh, though don’t think the vicious attitude lessens the worth of her advice at all.

I see that smile.

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