Hi folks! First of all, thank you so much for having signed up to follow my blog, getting updates whenever I post a new entry. I know some of you have been with the blog for a few years now, however clogged or sporadic it has been.
While I hope to post a bit more frequently in the months to come, there’s another little development I wanted to let you know about. I’m going to kick off a newsletter!
Now, this will not be a weekly gush of spam into your inbox. Hardly. At most, it will be once a month, if not once a quarter, depending on how busy things are going on in this author’s life. The newsletter will highlight upcoming events and releases, promotions, and other important news people may want to know about–whereas the blog should shift more toward casual interest items, guest posts, random musings, more immediate promos, and the like.
Here’s where you come in. I’m going to transfer the current blog subscriber list to the newsletter list, just as a foundation. If you don’t want to be a newsletter subscriber, no problem! Either touch base and I will make sure your email doesn’t go into the list OR simply wait until the first newsletter goes out and there will be an easy unsubscribe option. (Trust me. I hate newsletters or other email chains that don’t provide obvious and quick unsubscribe links!)
This will hopefully kick off in the next few weeks, but I just wanted to give everyone a heads up.
Thanks again for following along on this writing adventure!
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