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British Fantasy Society

To start the week off, here is a great resource from across the pond.

British Fantasy Society

“But I only write for North American publications, or only submit my manuscripts to North American publishers,” you might be saying. What possible good could a British society do for me? First of all, you can never be too in-the-know about the industry. Yes, writing is an artistic craft, and a lot of us never like to get our hands dirty by the business side of it. All that query letters and legal rigmarole and writer’s rights. Gah. However, there is something to be said about researching foreign markets. Can’t quite find a fit for your latest short story in any national magazines? I’ve got one that’s being looked at for publication in Australia. Wouldn’t that be a cool little add-on when telling folks about your up-and-coming writing career? “Oh, yes, and I have also been published in Australia.” That’ll spice up any conversation, I guarantee it.

Second, this Society gives us a different perspective on the craft. Lots of great interviews and articles to browse on their site. Plus, you might run across a lot of great books and authors you’ve never heard of before. It’s sad how many good books never make it across the international publishing divide.

There are a few reasons. I’m sure you can think of many more. If so, let me know, and I’ll be sure to heartily agree with you.

To sum up in their own words:
The British Fantasy Society exists to promote and enjoy the genres of fantasy, science fiction and horror in all its forms. We are well supported by the publishing industry and have many well known authors as members, not least our president Ramsey Campbell.

I see that smile.

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